[Devin Dayley]
I really like this show. I’ve seen it twice, now. Once on Broadway and once in London, on the West End. Both times with Katherine McPhee playing the lead role of Jenna. She is great! We’ll discuss her in a second, though.
I saw Waitress at the Adelphi theater on Tuesday April 9, 2019.
If you’ve ever wondered if they change shows when they move from Broadway to the West End, I know I’ve wondered that, they don’t. The show, to my knowledge, was word-for-word verbatim to what it was on Broadway.
Okay, Katherine McPhee. I am a big fan of hers. I’ve always been a big fan of hers, ever since her inception into the world of professional singing, back when she was on American Idol. I, as a little, 10 year old, would stay up into the wee hours of the morning calling in and voting for her. She is, and has always been very close to my heart. Her acting, though, is really something special. She is able to emote whilst singing beautifully.
Jack McBrayer. You may recognize him as kenneth- the page from “30 Rock” or as Felix, as in Fix-It Felix from “Wreck-It Ralph.” I know I recognized him from “30 Rock.” I thought he was hysterical in that show. And he was hysterical in this too. He was meant to play a funny character, I don’t think he could ever play a not-funny character, it just wouldn’t work. His singing chops were less than par. You could tell that his work does not incorporate singing often, or that he does not make his money by singing. His vocals weren’t distracting from the story, though. I could only tell that he was an untrained singer because I was looking for that knowledge.
Jenna, an excellent pie maker, lives and works in a small town with her friends, who are incredibly supportive of her, and her abusive husband, Earl. She finds out who she is over the course of the show, and an experience with one Dr. Pomatter, which leads to her having a better life.
I love the story. It is totally in-line with how the world is going today. The whole female empowerment thing is a very popular subject these days. I have to say, I completely agree with what the play says and what the world says, “That women can do anything that men can do.” They do not need a man by their side to make things happen, especially in their own lives. That was the subtext of the show. It’s done in a very non-political, gentle way, which I love. I am not a fan of those overtly political, hit-you-in-the-face media presentations. There was enough of a “stance” so you could think about if you wanted to or you could just sit and enjoy it if you wanted.
This was, and is, a fun, entertaining, and meaningful show that, I think, all people should see sometime in their lives.
**There is some language. Based on that and the storyline, I would recommend this to anyone 14 and older.